What’s My Story?

The best way to start your journey is by defining and sharpening your personal goals for work, life, and anything in between.
From articulating your goals through storytelling to personal branding, this chapter is all about finding YOU.

  • WATCH: How Great Leaders Inspire Action – Simon Sinek’s TED Talk

    In one of the most widely-viewed TED Talks, Simon Sinek shares a simple but powerful for inspirational leadership – starting with a golden circle and the question “Why?”.

  • WATCH: “Start With Why” by Heath Slawner

    In this live session for NICErs, Heath Slawner from the Simon Sinek Company, shares how the best way to start your journey is to understand your inner motivations and drivers.

  • WATCH: “Build Your Personal Brand” – Part 1

    How we project ourselves says a lot about who we are and why others should value us.
    Check out part 1 of the ‘Build Your Personal Brand’ series to learn more.

  • WATCH: “Build Your Personal Brand” – Part 2

    Learn how to strengthen your professional narrative, build meaningful career relationships, grow your contribution, and promote your personal brand.

  • READ: Build Your Personal Brand – Part 1 Session Summary

    Build Your Brand – Part 1 – Handout

  • ARTICLE: Finding Success Starts with Finding Your Purpose

    This Harvard Business Review article addresses how success without significance isn’t success at all, and the importance of living with deep purpose and joy in all we do.

  • LinkedIn COURSE: Shane Snow on Storytelling

    LinkedIn influencer and best-selling business author Shane Snow shares his approach to crafting compelling stories to maximize human connections and create a culture of storytelling.